Stonebridge Ranch Country Club
The Dye Course
Men's Golf Association
Constitution and By-Laws
(Amended - February 1, 2006)
Article I - Name
The name of this organization shall be The Dye Mens Golf Association at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club (MGA).
Article II – Objectives
To promote interest in and improvement of golf among male members and to increase participation in all men’s golf tournaments at The Dye Course at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club.
Article III – Membership
Membership is open to any dues paying male member of The Dye Course at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club.
Membership dues will be $50 per year. Dues will be billed as part of the regular Stonebridge Ranch Country Club monthly bill. A new member that joins the club after the 1st of the year will be billed the full amount and if joining after August 1 half dues will be billed.
Article IV – Officers
The board of this association shall consist of (9) Nine elected officers and the Head Golf Professional. All members of the board shall serve without compensation.
Duties of the Board shall be to manage and control the affairs of the Dye MGA.
Article V – Duties of the Officers
The President shall preside at all meetings of the association, shall call all special meetings and direct all activities of the association. He shall also serve as a member of the Dye Course Golf Committee and, as such, will participate in concert with The Stonebridge Ranch Country Club management to insure cooperative understanding in all MGA events and the promotion of golf at the Dye Course at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club.
The Vice President will perform as directed by the President. He will fill in when necessary in the absence of the President. He is also responsible for compiling a list of nominees to fill annual Board vacancies.
The Secretary will record the minutes of all MGA meetings. Additionally, as Secretary he will write all letters, invitations and thank you notes as deemed appropriate.
The Treasurer will review the tournament budgets and annual budget and meet monthly with the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club accounting department to verify the accuracy of the MGA ledger.
The Tournament Director in conjunction with the remaining Board members shall be responsible for recommending tournament dates, type of competition, tee markers and other matters related to MGA golf events. He shall work closely with the Head Professional in these matters. Additionally, he will be responsible to insure all individuals participating in a MGA event have an established handicap as outlined in the General Rules and are in good standing.
Article VI – Vacancies/Attendance
A vacancy in any position shall be filled by appointment by the MGA Board. The appointment shall last for the balance of the vacant term.
Attendance at Board meetings is critical. Excessive misses may constitute a vacancy by majority vote of the MGA board.
Article VII – Meetings
One general membership meeting will be held in the first two months of each new year. Other general meetings will be called as deemed necessary by the Board.
Regular Board meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month at a place determined by the Board. Other Board meetings will be called as deemed necessary.
Article VIII – Elections/Tenure
Election of officers shall take place at the annual General Membership meeting. The new members shall take effect at the next scheduled MGA Board meeting.
Officer tenure is a three-year term. Annually three members will leave the Board.
It is deemed that before a person may attain the position of President, he must have served two previous years.
The President, as well as other positions, will be appointed by a majority vote of the MGA Board members.
Article IX – General Rules
To play in any MGA event, Dye Course members must be MGA members in good standing.
New members must play a minimum of five rounds at Stonebridge Ranch Country Club to create a temporary handicap prior to playing in a MGA event. The necessity of a temporary handicap will be waived if the new member has an established, verifiable USGA handicap.
Handicaps will be posted in accordance with the decisions of the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club Handicap Committee.
Except where otherwise specified, rules of the USGA will govern.
The MGA tournaments will have an entry deadline. Members that withdraw from an event after the entry deadline will forfeit their entry fee for that event.
Tournament Handicaps will be established by the recommendations of the Stonebridge Ranch Country Club Handicap Committee.
Article X – Amendments
The by-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the MGA Board by simple majority vote of the members present.